Wandsworth Arts Fringe 2018

We were part of the Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival (WAF18)

WAF18.  Black Heroes: The Debate

Inspired Musical Reflections on Freedom, Equality and World Peace.

Cultural pioneers Kofi and Noel McKoy and emerging artists RomaBlack Heroes the Debaten Harris and ArA Harmonic, performed unique artistic responses to monologues from Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame; inspired by speeches and texts by Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela.




In Rehearsals for WAF18. Black Heroes: The Debate


#waf #wandsworthartsfringe #inyourlivingroom #bhf #blackheroesfoundation #bhm #blackhistorymonth #blm #blackhistory #blacklivesmatters #blackculture #blackpride #blacklives #blackheroes #blacklives #blackculture


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